Become a member

How to open a member account ?

Becoming a member is simple and quick.

  1. Create or access your customer portal
  2. In the profile section, click on « Open a Member Account »
  3. Complete the 4 steps of the form and submit the request
  4. Check your email to electronically sign the document. (Please note that only the authorized representative of the company can sign the account opening.)

Do you prefer the paper format?

You also have the option to download, fill out, and send us the paper form by email. Refer to the following section for more details.

1 - Create or access your customer portal

To become a member, you must first create your client portal.

To do this, click on « Create a profile » in the left header menu, and enter your email and choose a password.

A confirmation email will then be sent to you to verify your identity; all you need to do is click the link to activate your client portal.

To log in to your account, click on « Login ». Enter your email and password, and you will be logged in.

2 - Become a member

To begin, you will need to register on the client space specifying "Company" as the account type.

Once the information about your organization is completed, you can then go to the "Become a member" section located in the left menu. You will then only have to fill in the various fields necessary to process your request.

Become a member

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3- Fill out the 4 steps of the form and submit the request

To have your member account request validated, complete the 4 steps of the form.

Step 1 : Fill in the company information (for verification with the business registrar.)

Step 2 : Fill in the contact information for billing (For billing purposes.)

Step 3 : Fill in the administrator's information (the person who must sign our general sales conditions) and sign the received document.

Step 4 : Confirm your request to send it to our credit department.

4- Check your email to electronically sign the document

The designated signatory in the account opening request will receive an email to sign the request. Upon signing this document, our credit department will be able to process your request.

The waiting time can be approximately one day, depending on the information provided and the response time of your business references. A welcome email will be sent to the signatory to confirm your request.

Also, a video presenting how to effectively manage your account and employees will be attached in this email. You can review it below:

The best practices of the gouvernance

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Customer portal

I can't log in to my member account

For non-member business customers and individuals

Your customer portal and history are linked to your email. If our system does not recognize you, it means we do not have your email. You can then request a change of your email in a branch or from customer service. You will then have access to all your history on your next login.

For member businesses

Only the signatory or an administrator can log in for the first time. And then grant access to different members of their team. If you have difficulty logging in, it may be because we do not have your email. In this case, you can contact our credit department at, and they will assist you with the process.

How can I open a member account?

You have two choices :

1. The easiest and fastest way is to do everything online. To do this, you will first need to create a profile in the customer portal, selecting "Company" as the type of account. Once the information has been completed for your organization, you can then go to the "Profile" section and click on "Open a member account". All you have to do is fill in the various fields necessary to process your request. Once completed, the person authorized to represent the company will then receive an email inviting them to electronically sign the request.

2. If you encounter difficulties, we invite you to contact one of our credit agents, either by email at or through our chatbot.

Once your registration is complete, an account opening analysis will be performed and a confirmation email will be sent to you once the opening is complete.

Our company has changed ownership, who should I notify?

For significant changes like these, please contact us via email at or directly through our chatbot in your customer area by clicking on 'Chat with one of our credit agents.'

You can also reach us at 514-331-7777 extension 10435.